Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Innovation of the Jesuit Vatican Assasssins and drug trafficking and the symbolism of a poisoning

You never saw it coming, the Jesuit Priests, The Vatican Assassins you hear about that come for you and do the work of a holy righteous man, while killing whoever they are told and however many at a time, and with no evidence or reason to think they could have been poisoning me, but now its a realization, as innovation is an amazing technique, who knows what black book my name goes in for publishing this, and quite frankly, I don't give a f*ck what they do I'm not a coward like half of our zombie nation has so sadly become. I'll die being free, and I have taken that oath upon myself. but hear my words, for they are of utmost importance and I’ve lived for the most part an honest and good natured person. I have always done my best to be a good person and I keep to myself a lot so it never seemed to be a threat that would ever shift to reality id experience, and never mind asking why. We have these killers all around us. Our own innocent and unaware citizens may carry out a successful assassination for others and these “pawns” are not even aware. The modern adult, former A.D.D.” child patient is a first-to-go target they want neutralized. That’s myself included. We are more developed in psychic-like ability and that is a threat to the Jesuits and the Vatican. But they are masters of deception so its not unlikely they should have a person of such characteristics, make their own demise by their own hands by otherwise unintelligible everyday objects, TV, Media, or the pills you take to feel like hell isn’t in such a concrete reality in the evil you feel in the air, and just how innovative have they trained to become an expert in such a perfect assassination in killing you without having any more of a trouble blowing their nose? How does the Vatican traffic and sell illicit drugs that kill young teens and ruin families?   How can you ever know what’s the poison plant from the healthy vitamin. The symbolism of our planets’ occult science and civilizations’ system is a nice thing to know when you realize you’ve been voluntarily ingesting the poison like a Vatican’s wafer, as the Jesuits don’t even have to be miles away while the assassination’s Master is taking its share of profit for your unfortunate, personal hell, and all the while he never even had to be present at all to successfully assassinate you. I have come to see a correlation to the pill below and its properties, and its symbolism to tie it to a subliminal poison of the mind alone, nevermind your body, this in my own thought not from anything anyone told me, Its not difficult to see once I explain so wrap your brain around this for abstract thought, Let me give you an example:
A pill, it is a “treatment” for Opiate addiction. They know it as Suboxone, or Subutex,  It is an orange (of the color of Saturn, Mars) Hexagon, break that down and Hex makes a subconscious reference to witchcraft, Black arts or to be cursed or bound to such. Now look at the marking on the front side and what do we have:  The Holy Cross symbolic of Christianity, a place to put faith to comfort for some, a false haven for the true Christ of good demeanor. How is this pill taken exactly? Just like the wafer or close enough: sub-lingual. Now I would tell you I’m a certified doctor but that would not mean shit. I’m a former drug user. This makes me more knowledgeable seeing as though I have a decent understanding of western medicine and its terms in general on top of my first-hand account. I have actually studied the chemicals I’ve taken, or abused, or come off. Very well familiar, I took Suboxone, for the 3 ½ years of “Treatment” and let me tell you a little bit of  WHAT I KNOW:  Doctors have no idea what takes place in a patient unless they have experienced this first hand. That’s evident when I can walk into a doctors’ office knowing more about the class, name, and how it feels taking, AND getting off every medication in the book. I’m a man of a decent education and even better is my intuition and my ability to siphon nonsense bullshit and one’s lack of understanding fundamental principles of their practice, as they appear as the most conditioned brainwashed “Professionals” that I just have a hard time believing they passed through medical school, never mind high school. They don’t understand abstract thought if it’s inspiring or  thought provoking, or maybe they don’t have a connection with their subconscious mind, or soul, or even care. After all, you are treated like you are a cancer that no doctor wants to really help just use for profit at your expense , for most of them, not all. I am told it will keep me off the streets and from stealing. It’s a shame that many addicts have to end up there, or worse, like one of my closest friends , a good kid, now dead. Now as a former addict  I don’t live that mentality and just to clarify I never did even through my addiction I had a job until I tried my first treatment.  But it’s not an individual “treatment.” it’s a cattle round up for a Dr. and when the narcotics take flight in your body and make that physician’s bank account overflow,  your advice given now is that there is no reason to stop taking it, ever.  That’s pretty expensive medication with no generic form what if, say,  I lost my Health insurance? “not my fucking problem, kid”
I was so disgusted in myself  for giving in to what I thought was easy way out. But here’s a little problem that arises.  First, it comes from a opium poppy relative called Thebaine, easily I can relate it’s source of word-meaning as “The Bane” or  That which causes death or destroys life; entrapped . I tried getting off once before but it was so severe and persistent in time (about a month of pure agony) I am against systematic recovery, I studied meditation and philosophy and I have developed such a unbreakable system that 3 ½ years later I successfully saw the illusion for what it was. I made myself my own experiment. Now I have had friends go into AA and some were happier being led to do something or being told how and what to do, even against their will. And I can tell there’s something disturbing about seeing friends clean but acting as if they had no soul left inside, I wanted to keep my creative intuition that can work miracles if that was my ultimate will.  I had pills for at least a week but stopped cold turkey, in pain and physical hell, I kept them close at all times to test how strong I was and could accurately know how truthful and honest my will was and still is, and I was sure that taking off the “handcuffs” was the only option out of mental & physical slavery. That is a topic for another time but bottom line a Dr will downplay is it has little or no withdrawal. But the withdrawals are as real and severe as it gets. And why wouldn’t it be, for Thebaine is 1000x more potent than heroin and morphine. Isn’t that music to the ears now?
I’m sure in one form or another we all have a loved one who has been destroyed or currently is being broken down as we speak from the grip and vice of drug addiction, because some sinister orders of power that claim to be holy men are the most dangerous. The pope has a document to stand by saying that this is his right to traffic narcotics for a healthy economy depends on it? So this Society of Jesus’ master and cult leader , or Pope decided it justifies a healthy economy to exorcise its good will to feed its profit  by putting your loved ones into  a lifelong slavery of addiction feeding the death of our teens and family member by means of flooding your suburban neighborhoods and cities with  Opiates and Cocaine trafficking legally done through their close associate : Cooperate Pharmaceutical drug dealers, and at a convenient place takes the weight, the place we call a Pharmacy, from the greek word Pharmakia, in reference to drugs as a black art, a forbidden energy not to mess around with, and trust me I know of these arts. I’m familiar with this terrible energy to a lesser extent than spilling blood or hurting children, etc. I was not into that. I would rather curse someone who had really done me wrong. Even in doing that it came back to me as there is always a price attached.  But in the occult I know my shit Studied it so precisely I can say that most of it that people make out as evil even to me before I researched enough, was utter nonsense, rumors on top of rumors. For I have only worked alone though. And for a very short run with black arts anyway. It is not a profitable practice to involve yourself  in its harmful projection on others through any shape or form. It’s a double edged sword. But this has become the energy pouring in and out of pharmacies in every state of every town. Even though we don’t see the subliminal craft all around, never even think of it existing in such innovative ways, after all, it’s much less common every day to see a fellow citizen help instead of harm. Maybe because we don’t care to see the good things but only remember the Cursing out of others, and so on. So subliminally embedded is negativity you don’t even pick up on the fact you, and for a long time I also had a similar persona without realizing it, and you probably would want to change it if it was apparent. I would hope
The Vatican Controls through a treaty you can read if you do the research. That is what I have witnessed and read among the more terrifying atrocities of murdering you for going against his judgment. With a Black Pope (and I don’t mean a race) stationed here in NY, accompanied via the Jesuit Priests, These Vatican Assassins worked themselves into our whole system,  inside CIA, FBI, FEMA, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FDA, ATF, HOMELAND SECURITY, FEDERAL RESERVE, etc. As if that wasn’t enough enforcement, the Pope’s Militia,  it is backed by a million , maybe more integrated, well-adjusted and typical American citizens that such a familiar and well blended unidentifiable persona of any type would ever arise your suspicion, for the trained Jesuits, or Vatican Assassins are the most dangerous men on earth. They are flawless experts of assassination, in any way necessary and almost completely move undetectable. ALMOST. They are so well educated they most likely have the ability to speak 6 separate languages fluently, masters of controlling its Terror network at the swift command of a matter of seconds serving the ONLY purpose of their life, to kill by commands of its Pope and have no regard for life, be it a child, wife, or handicapped living human being, so do the math.  Presidents are taken out like clockwork if they aim to interrupt the evil orders of the Jesuits as they made a home hijacking the world. They can kill in silence in master methods of most calm rhythms of execution. Or, if you really get them on a bad day, certain measures call for a more public display of giving men, woman, and children the first class tickets to a president vomiting bullets out of the back of his skull in front of the open city of Dallas. And this was so brilliantly taken up by Oswald, A patsy?
It’s not going to help your situation to be in constant fear to no avail. You’re dead already. Especially living like that. But in my research I am confident we are immortal beings when not bound by flesh. Have faith! It has weight and I’m the most anti-religious man out there, but some have ideology similar to my own as I hold very spiritual values. So make it a priority to enjoy every moment around your loved ones and value your life and have never ending faith. Systematic brainwashing religions are the ones who want to control, torture, poison, and  kill you,  not God, for that is a personal connection you should explore from within not so much are outside forces, Trust in YOU. YOU ARE ALWAYS FREE TO BE. For my fellow men and women of earth, fight for happiness and freedom to choose. You have today we are never promised to see tomorrow!

“I do not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. I believe that Modern Medicine’s treatments for disease . . . are more dangerous than the diseases they are designed to treat. I believe that more than ninety percent of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of the earth – doctors, hospitals, drugs, and equipment – and the effect on our health would be immediate and beneficial . . . For the hospital is the Temple of the Church of Modern Medicine and thus one of the most dangerous places on earth . . . There’s plenty to be afraid of. The God that resides in the Temple of Modern Medicine is Death . . . The doctor-priest gets away with a lot because he can claim to be up against the very Forces of Evil . . . Never is he seen in his true light — as the agent of the Devil . . .
We have a Medical Inquisition. The first sign of an inquisition is the selling of indulgences . . . Medical insurance is the doctor’s version of indulgences . . . Like the communion wafer which Catholics receive on the tongue, drugs are the communion wafers of Modern Medicine. . . . Try getting from one end of life to the other without paying your dues to Modern Medicine: immunizations, fluoridated water, intravenous fluids and silver nitrate . . . When you get to the cathedrals and the little “Vaticans” of Modern Medicine, you are up against priests who have the weight of infallibility behind them. They can do no wrong, so they are most dangerous . . . ”
Dr. Mendelsohn knew what he was describing. He had been a devoted medical priest and had watched the Inquisitors for years, as he was well acquainted with the Jesuits at Loyola University in Chicago while a professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Illinois. He later became a most eloquent and undefeated champion in exposing the crimes of modern medicine. His opponents in debate would not even make an appearance.

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